Everyone thinks because I have a stoma they presume i can look after it myself. For me this is not the case,, over the years i have been called lazy or not accepting what i have and ignoring what i have. If i could change my bag i would, there's nothing worse than asking my mum that i need my bag changing. The same goes whenever i am in hospital. Its one of the hardest to things to ask, as i feel so embarrassed and ashamed. You may ask why i can't change it myself,,, well when i was a young child i had surgery on my spine which they fused and this has restricted my neck movement from looking down at the area. When i reached my mid teens, i asked if i could try and learn how to manage it, at this point I still had a colostomy so the bag was being changed twice a day. Using 2 mirrors i tried my hardest and i was getting frustrated each time and after weeks of trying I gave up. Once i reached my 20s i finally had my first stoma nurse...